Teaching environmental medicine

This important clinical work should not be mistaken for environmental health courses, which, in many countries, are difficult to set up due to a lack of truly qualified teachers.

Environmental medicine courses are first and foremost intended for physicians who wish to know and recognize new pathologies, diseases or afflictions whose environmental origin is certain, probable or possible and to treat to the best of current scientific knowledge those suffering patients.  This type of course thus focuses first of all on infections, allergies and pseudo-allergies, new afflictions, such as the Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome (MCS), the Electromagnetic Intolerance Syndrome, the chronic Fatigue Syndrome and fibromyalgia.  In terms of chemo-prevention and primary prevention, teaching  environmental medicine also addresses pathologies suspected or known to have mostly an environmental origin, such as cancer, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, depression; even some neuro-psychiatric disorders whose environmental origin is certain, probable or possible (taking into account recent scientific data).

There is no academic course in environmental medicine yet in France and even in Europe. This new specific approach is not recognized as such, for lack of such a course and a lack of scientific recognition.  This explains why we launch of an international and intensive course on April 13, 14 and 15, 2011 in Paris.